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As a one-of-a-kind and complex social phenomenon, war has al ways been a subject of interest and analysis of different fields of science, chiefly the social and humanistic sciences. Because of its com plexity, disciplinary limitations of the fields of science that researched it, and social stigmatisation, war was only partially studied in social and humanistic sciences. Such approach did not facilitate complete under standing of the nature of war, or gaining insight into its core character istics, relations of cause and effect and links, as well as key processes that take place within it.
On the other hand, because of a multidisciplinary consideration of the essence of war in research done so far, that were dominated by the perception that war was too complex and unpredictable phenomenon to be studied only by one field of study, military theory remained un derdeveloped, supressed by scientifically and theoretically constructed sciences.
To overcome this problem, Clausewitz‘s conceptualisation of war represents a suitable ontological starting point for an all-encompassing scientific insight and understanding of war. Although conceived more than a century and a half ago, Clausewitz‘s theoretical postulates of war withstood the criticism of numerous theoreticians who have not man aged to confute their validity and durability. Clausewitz‘s ideas about the nature and character of war, the pro cesses taking place within this phenomenon and relations between warring parties, and the role of war as a political instrument, represent a good theoretical base for further research. Characters of contemporary wars, however more complex and different from the wars from previous epochs, still confirm the timeless value of Clausewitz‘s ideas.