Интердисциплинарни научни часопис

Архива чланака

4/2020, октобар-децембар The religious and ethnic context of the Serbian strategic culture Milovan Subotić
4/2020, октобар-децембар The Factors and Mechanisms of the Preservation and Affirmation of the Serbian Strategic Culture Dušan Kesić
4/2020, октобар-децембар Dragutin Dimitrijević Apis as a Symbol of the Serbian Strategic Culture Velјko Blagojević
4/2020, октобар-децембар The Role of Military Service in the Development of the Serbian Strategic Culture Srđan Starčević, Srđan Blagojević
4/2020, октобар-децембар Strategic Culture and Legitimacy of Violent Power Takeover Miloš R. Milenković
4/2020, октобар-децембар The Key Factors of the US Strategic Culture Darko Glišić
4/2020, октобар-децембар Strategic Culture in the Geopolitical Interpretation of Transit and Transition Miloš Knežević
4/2020, октобар-децембар The Geopolitical Framework of the Serbian Strategic Culture Aleksandar Gajić
4/2020, октобар-децембар Contemporary Strategic Culture and Neutrality Stanislav Stojanović
4/2020, октобар-децембар Comprehensive Defence and Strategic Culture from a Human Perspective Milinko S. Vračar, Vangel B. Milkovski